I making an executable with python 2.6. I made the setup code.
import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
base = None
if sys.platform == "win32":
base = "Win32GUI"
name = "Aimball",
version = "2.6",
description = "Aimball Game",
executables = [Executable("aimball.py", base = base)])
Then what do I do? I have read the cx_freeze documentation and other answers but not sure what they exactly mean. Could someone explain it clearer as I just started programming in Python a few weeks ago. Just in case I'm running Windows 7 and version 4.3.1 of cx_freeze with Python 2.6.
Save that file in the same folder as your aimball.py
script, as something like setup.py
. Then open up a command prompt in that directory (you can use the cd
command to Change Directory). Then run python setup.py build
. If it works, it should create a build/exe...
folder containing your executable and some other files it needs to run.