I've got Time Zone: Central European Summer Time in OS X (automatically based on location). When running my code on simulator I'm getting these results:
NSTimeZone *tz = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone]; // Gives me Local Time Zone (Europe/Warsaw (CEST) offset 7200 (Daylight))
NSString *tzString = [tz localizedName:NSTimeZoneNameStyleShortStandard
locale:[NSLocale currentLocale]]; // Gives me CET
Same with EDT / EST - when I set current time as EDT in System -> Preferences then appropriate methods return EST..
Am I missing something?
The Standard
in NSTimeZoneNameStyleShortStandard
specifically means the non-DST name for the time zone.
If you want to use the DST name or not depending on DST status as of some date, you'd probably have to use -isDaylightSavingTimeForDate:
to decide on NSTimeZoneNameStyleShortStandard
versus NSTimeZoneNameStyleShortDaylightSaving