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Domain Driven Design - Logical Deletes

So, I have a nice domain model built. Repositories handle the data access and what not. A new requirements has popped up that indicates that reasons need to be logged with deletes. Up until now, deletes have been fairly simple => Entity.Children.Remove(child). No internal change tracking was happening as my ORM tool was handling state management. However, I'm not sure exactyl how to handle this.

1) I could keep a deleted children collection in the parent entity and pull the change tracking out of nHibernate and handle it myself.

2) ??????


  • Ok, this sounds crazy and I'm going to take another shot at this -- even though I might be spanked for bad nHibernate usage. Before you delete, why don't you select the children that are going to be deleted (you already have their ids correct?) and do a transformation into whatever entity your going to be using to log your deletes to a table. Add the reason to the entities and save them -- then proceed with your deletes. Best part, you can use a generic entity i.e. "auditInfo" for the result of the transformation, and you can do it within a transaction so you can rollback everything if something fails! OK, maybe crazy but creative right?