At the moment I have a queue system that places all of the links to download files from and it downloads them one by one.
What I have been trying to do is have not 1 but 2 progress bars. The top progress bar will be for the progress of the current file and the one below will be for the overall progress, before all the files finish downloaded.
I have tried to come up with ways to have this but I can't figure out how I would go about doing it.
What I have tried is this:
If Me.fileUrls.Count = 1 Then
CProgressBarTotal.Value = Help.ProgPercent.Text
CProgressBarTotal.Value = Help.ProgPercent.Text / Me.fileUrls.Count
End If
And I realised after, that this wouldn't work. I also tried to think of other ways to do it but, I couldn't think of anything.
Does anyone know how I would be able to go about doing this? Thanks.
You shouldn't need an if statement:
CProgressBarTotal.Value = (currentFileNumber / Me.fileUrls.Count + Help.ProgPercent.Text / 100 / Me.fileUrls.Count) * CProgressBarTotal.Maximum