I have a "dilema" and wonder what is business best practice.
I'm using Uploadify to upload images. Now I need to validate the filename before saving the file.
I've looked at different solutions, but can't get down to one good solution.
Here are my criterias:
How would you go about if a filename is my.file(name).jpeg
I could explode the filename on '.' and save the extension, then implode to get the filename again. But not sure if that's the best soltion.
I have the following functions that helps a bit:
function getExts($filename)
$exts = explode("[/\\.]", $filename) ;
$n = count($exts)-1;
$exts = $exts[$n];
return $exts;
function validFilename($filename)
$filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $filename);
$pattern = "/[^[a-z0-9_-]/";
return preg_replace($pattern, "", strtolower($filename));
I'm recieving the file through $_FILES. This gives me the following data:
I just found something. I could use getimagesize which will return an array of 7 elements. One of these elements [2] is IMAGETYPE_XXX.
So I try using this code:
function getExts2($filename)
list(,,$type) = getimagesize($filename);
return $type;
But it only returns the number 2...
(I also tried using exif_imagetype, but it only get PHP Error: Call to undefined function.)
Check filename with regexp. Use info about mimetype. Save file on server with md5 name. Store real filename on db.