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How to run a sql script file using sqlcmd and output to both shell and file

I'm trying to run a sql script from a file using sqlcmd, using the following command:

sqlcmd -S <server> -d <database> -i <input file> -o <output file> 
      -U <user> -P <password>

I run my sql file and output to a log file.

The problem is this change the output of sqlcmd to the file.. and i want to get the output also to the shell.


  • @Noam,

    There's a standard program in UNIX world that reads from stdin and writes to stdout and to a specified file: the tee command. The following example lists the current directory to stdout and to "myfile":

    $ ls | tee "myfile"

    There are some open-source ports for windows, like wintee, and it's even trivial to make your own implementation (see here), but PowerShell actually has already this utility built-in: the Tee-Object.The following example is analogous the previous, in PowerShell:

    PS [c:\tmp]
    > dir | tee myDirContents.txt

    Hence, the following command will execute myscript.sql into myserver, using current windows credentials and its result will be output either to the console and to "result.txt":

    PS [c:\tmp]
    > sqlcmd -i mysrcipt.sql -S myserver -E | tee "result.txt"