I am trying to run this USB Serial Monitor app on HCL ME U1 tablet (ICS 4.0.3, Kernel 3.0.8). I am connecting the tablet with a serial device using a FTDI FT232RL (USB to RS232) cable. When i connect the FTDI cable to tablet, notification asking permission to connect the device pops up and when I open device, Toast saying connected also comes up. But when i write some data, the data is not send. The TX Led doesn't blink. So the data doesn't get past FT232 IC.
I have tried same app on android x86 using oracle VirtualBox. It works fine on it. No errors.
I have tried Slick USB 2 Serial terminal on both x86 & ME u1. It works on both.
Please share if anybody has any ideas what the problem might be.
This Question have become obsolete. FTDI and prolific have released their driver jars for android. They are working fine.