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Setting ToolTip for DataGridView automatically created columns

I would like to programatically set tooltips to automatically generated columns in a DataGridView. I was trying to use AutoGeneratingColumn event (, but that in fact can only access DataGridColumn, not DataGridViewColumn, and the former doesn't have ToolTipText property.

Or if I could bind the ToolTips to a source that would also be great. The goal is to have the ability to manipulate/set tooltips in the same place where I set the columns for the underlying DataTable.


  • I managed to solve it this way:

    void payloadDataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
        string tooltip = null;
        switch (e.Column.Header.ToString())
            case "Column 1":
                tooltip = "Tooltip 1";
            case "Column 2":
                tooltip = "Tooltip 2";
        if (tooltip != null)
            var style = new Style(typeof(DataGridCell));
            style.Setters.Add(new Setter(ToolTipService.ToolTipProperty, tooltip));
            e.Column.CellStyle = style;