I have a TThread which receives and sends to a device on a COM port. After I read the data, I want to activate the GUI (not in the same thread) using Synchronize(function name). However, when I call the GUI's form function to perform a button click, I get an access violation. I checked to see if the form's value is null and it is not, since this would be an obvious reason for access violation. Right now, I am setting global flags and using a timer that continuously checks to see if a certain condition is met and if so, then I fire off the button click event in that form. That seems to be the only way to avoid getting the access violation.
I really don't like timers so is there a way to avoid having to use a timer on the form?
I found the problem. I thought I was checking if my Form was null, but I was not. I fixed it making sure the form I was referencing is not null
Edit: Turns out that one of the forms that is called when I call Fbutton1Click() is Modal so it blocks my thread. I ended having to go back to a timer to call the button click instead.. oh well.