This code works well for me to move files with the same filename but different extension into a subfolder.
So the current logic is: If an NC1 file has the same filename as a PDF file then move that NC1 to its respective subfolder.
But my files don't have the same filename.
The following are 2 example files:
How do I change this code to follow this logic: If a PDF filename CONTAINS the filename of an NC1 file then move that NC1 to its respective subfolder.
for %%j in ("..\2PDF_Outsourced\1PDF_Heavy\*.pdf") do (
if exist "%%~nj.nc1" (
move /-y "%%~nj.nc1" "\2NC1_Outsourced\1NC1_Heavy"
for %%j in ("..\2PDF_Outsourced\1PDF_Light\*.pdf") do (
if exist "%%~nj.nc1" (
move /-y "%%~nj.nc1" "\2NC1_Outsourced\1NC1_Light"
Thank you in advance for any help. I have been stuck at this stage for a while and am struggling to understand delimiters, strings, and wildcards.
The trick is to reverse your logic. Iterate the .nc1 files and then look to see if matching .pdf exists (with wildcards). Adding a 2nd loop for Heavy and Light avoids code replication.
for %%F in ("*.nc1") do for %%P in (Heavy Light) do (
if exist "..\2PDF_Outsourced\1PDF_%%P\*%%~nF*.pdf" (
if exist "%%F" move /-y "%%F" "\2NC1_Outsourced\1NC1_%%P"
I added a 2nd IF EXIST to the code above just in case the name matches both Heavy and Light pdf files.
If Endoro's concern about ignoring names that match a substring of a larger word is valid, then the above can be extended:
for %%F in ("*.nc1") do (
set "name=%%~nF"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%C in (. [ ^^) do set "name=!name:%%C=\%%C!"
for %%N in (!name!) do (
for %%P in (Heavy Light) do for /f "eol=: delims=" %%A in (
'dir /b /a-d "..\2PDF_Outsourced\1PDF_%%P\*%%~nF*.pdf"^|findsdr /i "\<%%N\>"'
) do if exist "%%F" move /-y "%%F" "\2NC1_Outsourced\1NC1_%%P"