I'm trying to promote a content on a page. This content should the upcoming content, i.e. the next one in all of the same type ("event").
Here's how metadata look like :
layout: event
date: 2013-12-11
title: Cool event
The docpad.coffee file collections configuration looks like (using moment.js):
events: (database) ->
database.findAllLive(type: "event", [date: -1])
next_events: (database) ->
.setFilter("upcoming", (event, searchString) ->
return moment(event.eventDate, "YYYY-MM-DD").diff(moment()) < 0
Finally in the index.html.eco :
<% for event in @getCollection("next_events").toJSON(): %>
<h3><%= event.title %></h3>
<% end %>
Problem: it shows all my events, not only the future ones. When I use the events
collection it works as intended (all events ordered by date desc). But no difference when I use the next_events
collection. I know that to show only one I'll need to reduce the collection content with something like <% for event in @getCollection("next_events").toJSON()[0]: %>
Any pointer greatly appreciated.
Try this:
next_events: (database) ->
.setFilter("upcoming", (event, searchString) ->
return moment(event.eventDate, "YYYY-MM-DD").diff(moment()) < 0