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Scalable or online out-of-core multi-label classifiers

I have been blowing my brains out over the past 2-3 weeks on this problem. I have a multi-label (not multi-class) problem where each sample can belong to several of the labels.

I have around 4.5 million text documents as training data and around 1 million as test data. The labels are around 35K.

I am using scikit-learn. For feature extraction I was previously using TfidfVectorizer which didn't scale at all, now I am using HashVectorizer which is better but not that scalable given the number of documents that I have.

vect = HashingVectorizer(strip_accents='ascii', analyzer='word', stop_words='english', n_features=(2 ** 10))

SKlearn provides a OneVsRestClassifier into which I can feed any estimator. For multi-label I found LinearSVC & SGDClassifier only to be working correctly. Acc to my benchmarks SGD outperforms LinearSVC both in memory & time. So, I have something like this

clf = OneVsRestClassifier(SGDClassifier(loss='log', penalty='l2', n_jobs=-1), n_jobs=-1)

But this suffers from some serious issues:

  1. OneVsRest does not have a partial_fit method which makes it impossible for out-of-core learning. Are there any alternatives for that?
  2. HashingVectorizer/Tfidf both work on a single core and don't have any n_jobs parameter. It's taking too much time to hash the documents. Any alternatives/suggestions? Also is the value of n_features correct?
  3. I tested on 1 million documents. The Hashing takes 15 minutes and when it comes to, y), I receive a MemoryError because OvR internally uses LabelBinarizer and it tries to allocate a matrix of dimensions (y x classes) which is fairly impossible to allocate. What should I do?
  4. Any other libraries out there which have reliable & scalable multi-label algorithms? I know of genism & mahout but both of them don't have anything for multi-label situations?


  • I would do the multi-label part by hand. The OneVsRestClassifier treats them as independent problems anyhow. You can just create the n_labels many classifiers and then call partial_fit on them. You can't use a pipeline if you only want to hash once (which I would advise), though. Not sure about speeding up hashing vectorizer. You gotta ask @Larsmans and @ogrisel for that ;)

    Having partial_fit on OneVsRestClassifier would be a nice addition, and I don't see a particular problem with it, actually. You could also try to implement that yourself and send a PR.