Is it possible to login to Active Directory using the pre Windows 2000
username to Active Directory using Unboundid ldap sdk?
The pre Windows 2000
username is DOMAIN\username
and an end user may enter it in the login page.
If yes, how is possible to do it?
Is pre Windows 2000
username LDAPv3 compliant?
For successful authentication I need to find a user DN user using provided user information.
Unfortunately, there is no such attribute as DOMAIN
in Active Directory (and probably in other LDAPs also).
The domain is part of UPN – but I want to perform the standard LDAP search using the object attributes.
How is possible to find a user object using DOMAIN\username
If the SDK is implemented correctly, it should not care how the bind username looks like because it will simply pass the string to the directory. It can be a DN, Legacy Logon Name, Implicit or Explicit User Principal Name, maybe even a SID. Can't you simply try it out?