How can I have one insert statement and call procedure after FORALL in plsql?
I have the following in procedure
FORALL indx IN p_product.FIRST .. p_product.LAST
INSERT INTO my_table
VALUES (p_product(indx),p_product_desc(indx),p_msg);
After the insert I would like to call another procedure which inserts values into another table.
When I had tried to call the above procedure after insert statement, I am getting error
INDX must be declared
A FORALL statement is just that; a statement; you can only do one thing in it. You have to loop through your type again.
forall indx in p_product.first .. p_product.last
insert into my_table
values (p_product(indx), p_product_desc(indx), p_msg);
for indx in p_product.first .. p_product.last loop
end loop;
It's worth nothing that you're not doing two DML statements; you're doing one and calling a procedure. You cannot therefore use FORALL twice, you have to use a regular for loop.
If you're only doing DML in the second procedure you could pass in the entire collection and then use FORALL then. You would need to declare a global variable:
create or replace package something is
type t__product is table of product.product%type;
t_product t__product;
and then you could reuse this everywhere
create or replace package body something is
procedure current_proc is
forall indx in p_product.first .. p_product.last
insert into my_table
values (p_product(indx), p_product_desc(indx), p_msg);
end current_proc;
procedure remove_dup_products (p_product in t_product) is
forall in p_product.first .. p_product.last
delete ...