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differance between ER Diagram and Entiy Assication Diagram

I am trying to create a conceptual data model using PowerDesigner, I found a conflie between two methods:

  1. Create two entities and relations between them
  2. Create an association and three entities and two relationships.

knowing that both methods give the same result on the generation of physical data model

both methods are illustrated by the following picture enter image description here


  • Associations and Relationships are different conceptual terms in Power-designer.

    An Association is a relation between two or more entities.
    An Association can have attributes.

    A Relationship is a relation between two entities.
    A Relationship has no attributes.

    Association is more general form of Relationship.

    For example:
    Consider designing of a many to many relation between CustomerEntity and CreditGroupEntity
    Designing the relation with Relationship will create a third table just contaning CustomerEntity primary-key and CreditGroupEntity primary-key.
    Designing the relation with Association and adding a assign-date attribute to the association will create a third table contaning CustomerEntity primary-key, CreditGroupEntity primary-key and assign-date fields.

    The sample you have used contains 0-n cardinal with no attributes on association, so the difference can't be seen.

    Generally Association is used when the relation itself is an entity having attributes.
    A relation, having no attributes is implemented by Relationship.