MyWindow which inherits from QMainWindow. MyWindow contains a QGLWidget that displays an animation.
The problem is that the animation pauses whenever I open a menu or resize the window.
The animation is implemented by calling QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::UpdateRequest))
periodically, then calling redrawing each time the window receives the QEvent::UpdateRequest
, like this:
bool MyWindow::event(QEvent *event)
qDebug() << event;
switch (event->type())
case QEvent::UpdateRequest:
return true;
return QMainWindow::event(event);
As seen from qDebug()
, while a menu is open or the window is being resized, the window stops receiving update request events.
Is there a setting on QMainWindow/QWidget to make it continue to receive update request events? Or is there some better way to implement the animation?
Edit: I'm on Mac OS X.
Since I haven't heard any more from Kuba Ober about the possibility of this being a Qt bug, I went ahead and filed a bug report:
I was able to partially work around the problem by calling the render()
function more directly — that is, instead of sending an event, receiving the event, and having the event handler call the function. I accomplished this with a dispatch queue (but not the main dispatch queue, since that's tied to the default run loop so it has the same problem). However, working with the QGLWidget on multiple threads was difficult. After trying for a while to use the moveToThread()
function to make this work, and considering other factors involved in the project, I decided to use something other than Qt to display this window.