I often invoke functions from my menu
Many have double entries:
- one for normal substitution
- one for subsitution with confirmation dialog (gc)
vnoreme 20.900 &Edit.Delete\ All\ but\ 1st\ Doubles\ :<C-U>call <SID>DeleteD("'<,'>","confirm-no")<CR>
vnoreme 20.901 &Edit.Delete\ All\ but\ 1st\ Doubles\ (gc)\ :<C-U>call <SID>DeleteD("'<,'>","confirm-yes")<CR>
Is there no better way then the one I use above to indicate a confirmation dialog? (and to avoid all these double entries)
P.e. when a function invokes an inputdialog box, I would like to have a checkbox added where I can indicate (checking it) to add a dialog confirmation after every substitution, but unfortunately they don't exist and there is no way (as in autohotkey) to create an inputdialog GUI myself.
Well, you could change your Delete() function to ask you, whether you'd like to have each substitution being confirmed. Something like this:
fu! Delete(range)
let confirm = confirm("confirm each change?", "&yes\n&no", 1)
let cmd=printf("%ss/foobar/foobaz/g%s", a:range, confirm ? 'c' : '')
exe cmd
(this is just an example, you probably want to change at least the search and replace criteria)
Or, if you are using a simple substitution, learn to use the :ex command :promptrepl
e.g. :promptrepl foobar
will open a search/replace dialog where the search field will be set to 'foobar' and you only need to enter the replacement part and hit the buttons you like.