How do I restrict a variadic templated function to forcing its arguments to all be of the same type?
I need this for a specialization of
CommonType!T either(T...)(T a) if (a.length >= 1)
static if (T.length == 1)
return a[0];
return a[0] ? a[0] : either(a[1 .. $]);
that can forward l-values using auto ref
as return type. Something along the way
auto ref either(T...
that should satisfy
unittest {
int x = 1, y = 2;
either(x, y) = 3;
assert(x == 3);
This allows values to be forwarded through the logicals either
and every
(not shown) similar to Lisps's and()
and or()
This would enable even more powerful use of functional constructs in D for those who prefer it.
I believe I've found a working solution as:
/** Returns: true if all types T are the same. */
template allSame(T...) {
static if (T.length <= 1) {
enum bool allSame = true;
} else {
enum bool allSame = is(T[0] == T[1]) && allSame!(T[1..$]);
CommonType!T either(T...)(T a) if (a.length >= 1) {
static if (T.length == 1) {
return a[0];
} else {
return a[0] ? a[0] : either(a[1 .. $]);
auto ref either(T...)(ref T a) if (a.length >= 1 && allSame!T) {
static if (T.length == 1) {
return a[0];
} else {
return a[0] ? a[0] : either(a[1 .. $]);
alias either or;
However, the body of the two versions of either
are identical. This seems unneccessary. Is a mixin the best way to remove this redundancy?
You'll need to write a template that determines if all types in a type tuple are the same:
template allSame(T...)
static if (T.length <= 1)
enum bool allSame = true;
enum bool allSame = is(T[0] == T[1]) && allSame!(T[1..$]);
Then just use this as a template constraint:
CommonType!T either(T...)(T a) if (a.length >= 1 && allSame!T)