A user logins into the SharePoint site we have created using their email address and this becomes their username. However this creates a problem for MySites.
When the user creates a MySite the URL it cuts of anything after the @ symbol in the username, so if the users email address is user1@test.com the URL to their MySite becomes:
However this causes a problem if their is another user with the same email prefix but with a different domain i.e. user1@anotherdomain.com. This users MySite URL also needs to be
When the user signs up to the site we create their profile and MySite using this code:
if (!profileManager.UserExists(username))
UserProfile profile = profileManager.CreateUserProfile(username);
profile["PreferredName"].Value = fullname!=null?fullname:username;
profile["WorkEmail"].Value = email != null ? email : "";
profile["PersonalSpace"].Value = email;
#region create User My Site
using (SPSite site = profile.PersonalSite)
if (site == null)
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("CreateMySite - {0}", ex.Message));
throw ex;
HttpContext.Current = httpCxt;
Is there something I can do here to control the URL used?
-- edit
The above behaviour is default for MOSS. I.e. I am not manually taking of the users email address, this is something the MOSS is doing automatically. I would prefer it if I could say the URL should be:
I have tried escaping the email address and assigning it to the personal space value like so:
string clean = email.Replace("@","-at-");
profile["PersonalSpace"].Value= clean;
but this hasn't helped.
This is an uncommon way of doing it, is there any specific reason the users are created based on the email not the username? Anyway, here's a few ideas.
Based on your edit, you can configure the conflict resolution in moss itself, that's why I said it was a weird way of creating the urls,
In your SSP, go to MySite Settings, look at the Site Naming Format group
Your options:
User name (do not resolve conflicts) Example: http://portal_site/location/username/
User name (resolve conflicts by using domain_username) Example: .../username/ or .../domain_username/
Domain and user name (will not have conflicts) Example: http://portal_site/location/domain_username/