I'm trying to authenticate with the MtGox.com WebSocket API and after a long while managed to complete the required "call" attribute of the JSON data. However, I realized that I was using Python 2 to run my codesample and the application the API is finally going to be implemented in is written in Python 3. When I tried to make it work in Python 3 I ran into a couple of problems I was unable to resolve despite several long attempts.
I also tried 2to3
, but seems it doesn't have builtin fixers for these kinds of problems.
The API specification for authenticated API calls can be found here: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/MtGox/API/Streaming#Authenticated_commands
Here is the working Python 2 script I used for generating the JSON call which I then ran through a WebSocket console extension I found for Chrome.
import hashlib
import time
import hmac
import json
import base64
import binascii
apikey = ""
apisecret = ""
def _nonce():
"""produce a unique nonce that is guaranteed to be ever increasing"""
microtime = int(time.time() * 1E6)
return microtime
def _reqid(nonce):
return hashlib.md5(str(nonce)).hexdigest()
def send_signed_call(api_endpoint, params):
nonce = _nonce()
reqid = _reqid(nonce)
call = json.dumps({
"id" : reqid,
"nonce" : nonce,
"call" : api_endpoint,
"params" : params,
sign = hmac.new(base64.b64decode(apisecret), call, hashlib.sha512).digest()
signedcall = apikey.replace("-", "").decode("hex") + sign + call
return json.dumps({
"op" : "call",
"call" : base64.b64encode(signedcall),
"id" : reqid,
"context" : "mtgox.com"
msg = send_signed_call("private/info", {})
Some of the errors I ran into related to the no longer existing String.decode("hex"), I've had a few others but unfortunately I haven't kept track of all of them as I tried a great deal of different approaches. I also looked at codesamples of the same functionality in other languages but couldn't find any clue relating to the Python 3 problem. A lot seems to be having to do with changes made to bytes and strings encoding and decoding in Python 3.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Finally solved it!
Here is the working version of the send_signed_call
function, enjoy:
def send_signed_call(api_endpoint, params):
nonce = _nonce()
reqid = _reqid(nonce)
call = json.dumps({
"id" : reqid,
"nonce" : nonce,
"call" : api_endpoint,
"params" : params,
callByte = bytes(call, "utf-8")
sign = hmac.new(base64.b64decode(api_secret), callByte, hashlib.sha512).digest()
skey = bytes.fromhex(api_key.replace("-",""))
signedcall = skey + sign + callByte
return json.dumps({
"op" : "call",
"call" : base64.b64encode(signedcall).decode("utf-8"),
"id" : reqid,
"context" : "mtgox.com"
You guys have no idea how happy a panda I am right now!