I'm having trouble finding the correct place to do my shader setup for an OpenGLES application using GLKView and GLKViewController.
It seems like viewDidLoad is a natural place to do this, but shader creation fails when I try to do this here. My setup is something like this:
//shader helper method
int setupShaders(const char* vShader, const char* fShader); //returns a program handle
//inside GLKViewController subclass
static int program;
[super viewDidLoad];
program = setupShaders(vsh, fsh); //program will be zero indicating setup failure
I know the setup code works because it succeeds if I call it inside -(void)glkView:(GLKView *)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect.
So I'm assuming OpenGL isn't fully initialized when -(void)viewDidLoad is called, or something has to be done to set the correct OpenGL context for the setup I'm trying to do, I just can't find any documentation on where or how to do setup correctly.
So it turns out it works perfectly if you initialize from inside -(void)viewDidAppear. Jacob's solution works fine as well, but it seems slightly cleaner to me to use a callback rather than adding a conditional to the draw method.