I have tried to display a simple equation but it doesn't work. My code is as follow (html5):
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display = 'block'>
<mi mathvariant='normal' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>α</mi>
<mi mathvariant='normal' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>α</mi>
In Opera or Chrome I cannot see neither the trigonometrical operations nor the subindices. While in Firefox I can see the subindices but not the trigonometrical operations. Can someone say where the error is? Thanks in advance.
The answer is unfortunately simple: MathML is not supported in Chrome, Opera and IE.
Firefox has a very solid implementation (but not yet complete), Safari only a very partial implementation. Neither Firefox nor Safari support Content MathML.
That's why you'll need to use a polyfill like MathJax (cf MathML support) or jqmath.
Neither of those polyfills supports Content MathML, so you'll want to follow MvG's advice to produce Presentation MathML.
On older IE (6-9), users can install the MathPlayer plugin which is the only implementation supporting all of Presentation and Content MathML.