I am implementing in-app billing in my app to unlock premium features. The in-app billing sets up correctly. Everything seems fine except the 'developer payload' thing.
The sample app says
* TODO: verify that the developer payload of the purchase is correct. It will be
* the same one that you sent when initiating the purchase.
* WARNING: Locally generating a random string when starting a purchase and
* verifying it here might seem like a good approach, but this will fail in the
* case where the user purchases an item on one device and then uses your app on
* a different device, because on the other device you will not have access to the
* random string you originally generated.
* So a good developer payload has these characteristics:
* 1. If two different users purchase an item, the payload is different between them,
* so that one user's purchase can't be replayed to another user.
* 2. The payload must be such that you can verify it even when the app wasn't the
* one who initiated the purchase flow (so that items purchased by the user on
* one device work on other devices owned by the user).
* Using your own server to store and verify developer payloads across app
* installations is recommended.
The sample app uses an empty string as developer payload. My question is what string to use as a developer payload? Can I use the user's primary email ID?
Please check below answer, it may solved your problem:
if you are using consumable item(managed item) then you can use random generated string
step 1: before on create method declare this:
private static final char[] symbols = new char[36];
static {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx)
symbols[idx] = (char) ('0' + idx);
for (int idx = 10; idx < 36; ++idx)
symbols[idx] = (char) ('a' + idx - 10);
step 2: set RandomString and SessionIdentifierGenerator class in your activity
public class RandomString {
* static { for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx) symbols[idx] = (char)
* ('0' + idx); for (int idx = 10; idx < 36; ++idx) symbols[idx] =
* (char) ('a' + idx - 10); }
private final Random random = new Random();
private final char[] buf;
public RandomString(int length) {
if (length < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length < 1: " + length);
buf = new char[length];
public String nextString() {
for (int idx = 0; idx < buf.length; ++idx)
buf[idx] = symbols[random.nextInt(symbols.length)];
return new String(buf);
public final class SessionIdentifierGenerator {
private SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
public String nextSessionId() {
return new BigInteger(130, random).toString(32);
step 3: pass payload into your puchase request:
RandomString randomString = new RandomString(36);
System.out.println("RandomString>>>>" + randomString.nextString());
/* String payload = ""; */
// bGoa+V7g/yqDXvKRqq+JTFn4uQZbPiQJo4pf9RzJ
String payload = randomString.nextString();
Log.e("Random generated Payload", ">>>>>" + payload);
Log.d(TAG, "Launching purchase flow for infinite gas subscription.");
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, SKU_GAS,
mPurchaseFinishedListener, payload);
for more inforamation check this link: Token that identify the user
Hope it will solve your problem.