I am trying to create a weapons upgrade for my basic, tutorial-style Spaceship, using libGosu and Chingu.
In the player class I have tried several variations of the following:
def fire
Bullet.create(:x => @x, :y => @y, :angle => @angle)
Bullet.create(:x => @x + Gosu::offset_x(90, 25), :y => @y + Gosu::offset_y(@angle, 0), :angle => @angle)
It sort of works, but not exactly how it ideally should. For reference, this is what the Bullet class looks like:
class Bullet < Chingu::GameObject
def initialize(options)
super(options.merge(:image => Gosu::Image["assets/laser.png"]))
@speed = 7
self.velocity_x = Gosu::offset_x(@angle, @speed)
self.velocity_y = Gosu::offset_y(@angle, @speed)
def update
@y += self.velocity_y
@x += self.velocity_x
How should I construct "def fire" in order to get the extra bullets to align properly when the spaceship rotates?
The following simple solution did the trick:
Bullet.create(:x => @x + Gosu::offset_x(@angle+90, 25), :y => @y + Gosu::offset_y(@angle+90, 25), :angle => @angle)
There is an in-depth description of the forces at work in this answer from GameDev.StackExchange.
I also came across the following "long way around the barn," using Sin and Cos, and converting the angle to radians with PI:
Bullet.create(:x => @x + 20 * Math.cos(@angle*Math::PI/180) , :y => @y + 20 * Math.sin(@angle*Math::PI/180), :angle => @angle)
A more detailed description of the Sin/Cos approach can be found here.
The formula to convert degrees to radians is degrees*Π/180