I want to have a fragment for each item in a listview, because I want to separate some logic out. I am using a view holder for each item. If the view doesn't exist, I create a new fragment and add it into the container.
holder.mMyFragment = new MyFragment(mActivity, this);
mActivity.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(R.id.my_container, holder.mMyFragment).commit();
Also for each item, I call holder.mMyFragment.setUi(dataSource, position) to set UI of the fragment based on the data source and position.
The problem I'm having is I initialize the UI elements of fragment in onCreateView method of the fragment class, but it's not called when I add the fragment to the item. So later when I call setUi() which uses some UI elements in fragment it complains a NullPointerException. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks!
I want to have a fragment for each item in a listview, because I want to separate some logic out.
You can't use fragment as list item views because the API doesn't allow you - View
and Fragment
aren't even related so there's no way you can use it like that. Make custom views and use adapter getViewTypeCount
and getView
to use different list item behavior.
Fragment are managed by Activity's FragmentManager or by other Fragments child FragmentManager; while list item views are managed by ListView & ListAdapter. You can use ListViews in Fragments, but not the other way around.