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Get the correct position of a point in AndroidPlot

I am trying to get the pixel position of a values in my AndroidPlot, but I can't get it to work. The idea is to place the cursor at the exact point showed on the plot, at specific terms. Did any of you encounter/solve a similar problem?

Regards Jesper


  • I don't know if there's a better built-in solution, but here's a manual approach.
    The following code places the cursor at the X coordinate where the user touched the screen and the corresponding Y coordinate of the first data series of the plot.

    //NOTE about XYPlotZoomPan: when an OnTouchListener is set, zooming is disabled. Subclass to avoid it.
    mPlot.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener(){
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent me) {
            float touchX = me.getX();
            float touchY = me.getY();
            XYGraphWidget widget = mPlot.getGraphWidget();
            RectF gridRect = widget.getGridRect();
            if(gridRect.contains(touchX, touchY)){ //Check the touch event is in the grid
                XYSeries xyData = mPlot.getSeriesSet().iterator().next();
                long targetValX = Math.round(widget.getXVal(touchX));
                Log.d(TAG, "Touched at " + touchX + ", " + touchY + ". Target val X: " + targetValX);
                Long targetValY = null; 
                Long prevValX = null;
                if(mPlot.getSeriesSet().size() > 1){
                    Log.w(TAG, "More than one series in plot. Using only the first one");
                for(int i = 0; i < xyData.size(); ++i){
                    long currValX = xyData.getX(i).longValue();
                    long currValY = xyData.getY(i).longValue();
                    //Calculate the range value of the closest domain value (assumes xyData is sorted in ascending X order)
                    if(currValX >= targetValX){
                        long currDiff = currValX - targetValX; 
                        if(prevValX != null && (targetValX - prevValX) < currDiff){
                            targetValY = xyData.getY(i-1).longValue();
                            targetValY = currValY;
                    prevValX = currValX;
                if(targetValY != null){
                    long maxValY = mPlot.getCalculatedMaxY().longValue();
                    long minValY = mPlot.getCalculatedMinY().longValue();
                    float pixelPosY = + ValPixConverter.valToPix(
                            (double)targetValY, (double)minValY, (double)maxValY, (float)gridRect.height(), true);
                    Log.d(TAG, String.format("Domain cursor set at Y %.2f, val %.2f = %d, min-maxValY (%d, %d)",
                            widget.getRangeCursorVal(), targetValY,
                            minValY, maxValY));
                    Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't find the closest range to the selected domain coordinate");
                Log.d(TAG, "Touched outside the plot grid");
            return false;