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How do I accomplish an if/else using comparison in mustache.js?

I read how to use if/else in mustache.js in this article.

Now my question, it is possible to use in if statement the comparison operators ?

like (just I gave a wrong example):

   <td>{{ItemIndex}} *</td>

How to do that ?


  • You can't do that using Mustache.

    However, since you're interested in the value that equals 0 (falsy), you can do this:

    var template = "{{#objs}}{{^ItemIndex}}{{ItemIndex}}*{{/ItemIndex}}{{#ItemIndex}}{{ItemIndex}}{{/ItemIndex}}\n\n{{/objs}}"
    document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].textContent = (Mustache.render(template, {objs: [
            ItemIndex: 0
            ItemIndex: 1
            ItemIndex: 2
    // result => 0* 1 2


    If you need if/else constructs in your templates and like the Mustache syntax, you should check out Handlebars.js.