I have a DataRepeater1 with Label1 and Button1 on the ItemTemplate. These three controls are bound to a BindingList(Of T) where T is, atm, a very simple class that has a single string property
When a user clicks one of the DataRepeater Item's button it updates the string in the bound data list. I.E. If the user clicks the button on item 0 in the DataRepeater, the string in the BindingList at the same index is changed.
This works
What doesn't work is subsequent to the string change the DataRepeater should update Label1 for the relevant item as it is bound to that string - but it doesn't.
Can anyone tell me why?? My current code is below. Thanks
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Class ListType
Public Sub New(newString As String)
Me.MyString = newString
End Sub
Public Property MyString As String
End Class
Dim MyList As New BindingList(Of ListType)
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Bind BindingList to DataRepeater.
Label1.DataBindings.Add("Text", MyList, "MyString")
DataRepeater1.DataSource = MyList
' Add some items to the BindingList.
MyList.Add(New ListType("First"))
MyList.Add(New ListType("Second"))
MyList.Add(New ListType("Third"))
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Use the Index of the current item to change the string
' of the list item with the same index.
MyList(DataRepeater1.CurrentItemIndex).MyString = "Clicked"
' Show all the current list strings in a label outside of
' the DataRepeater.
Label2.Text = String.Empty
For Each Item As ListType In MyList
Label2.Text = Label2.Text & vbNewLine & Item.MyString
End Sub
End Class
Hmmm, it seems odd but after some further experimentation I found that instead of changing the string directly, creating a copy of the object, changing the string and making the object at the concerned index equal to the copy works.
Such as:
Dim changing As ListType = MyList(DataRepeater1.CurrentItemIndex)
changing.MyString = "Clicked"
MyList(DataRepeater1.CurrentItemIndex) = changing
Or a shorter version:
MyList(DataRepeater1.CurrentItemIndex).MyString = "Clicked"
MyList(DataRepeater1.CurrentItemIndex) = MyList(DataRepeater1.CurrentItemIndex)
Seems like the BindingList somehow only notifies the DataRepeter when the entire object changes rather than a member of an object...