I'm creating a screen saver which requires a movie clip to be loaded to the stage at a random position based on the size of the screen, then fade out (which I have all of the animation within a movie clip as tweens)
I've hit a road block and can't figure out how to prevent the movie clips from overlapsing on top of each other. If anything, I'd like for them to appear at another random spot that does not cause the overlapse.
here is all of the code for my project:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.events.Event;
var greystoneLogos:Array = new Array ;
var countTimeArray:Array = new Array ;
var previousLogos:Array = new Array ;
var xpoint:int;
var ypoint:int;
function getNewSymbols()
previousLogos = new Array ;
greystoneLogos = new Array ;
var i:int;
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
greystoneLogos[i] = new GreystoneLogo1();
greystoneLogos[i].width = 100;
greystoneLogos[i].height = 60;
function addSymbolToStage(currentLogo:MovieClip,waitTime:int)
var i3:int;
var i4:int;
var logoBoundaries:Array = new Array()
var XandY:Array = new Array()
for (i3=0; i3 < greystoneLogos.length; i3++)
if (greystoneLogos[i3] !== currentLogo)
xpoint = randomRange(this.stage.stageWidth - (currentLogo.width * 4.8));
ypoint = randomRange(this.stage.stageHeight - (currentLogo.height * 6.9));
logoBoundaries = getOffDimensions(currentLogo)
for (i4=0; i4 < logoBoundaries.length; i4++)
XandY = logoBoundaries[i4].split(":")
while ((xpoint <= (Number(XandY[0]) + Number(currentLogo.width * 4.8)) && xpoint >= (Number(XandY[0]) - Number(currentLogo.width * 4.8))) && (ypoint <= (Number(XandY[1]) + Number(currentLogo.height * 6.9)) && ypoint >= (Number(XandY[1]) - Number(currentLogo.height * 6.9)))){
xpoint = randomRange(this.stage.stageWidth - (currentLogo.width * 4.8));
trace(XandY[0] + " And " + (Number(currentLogo.width * 4.8)))
trace(xpoint + " And " + (Number(XandY[0]) + Number(currentLogo.width * 4.8)))
ypoint = randomRange(this.stage.stageHeight - (currentLogo.height * 6.9));
currentLogo.x = xpoint;
currentLogo.y = ypoint;
var countTime:Timer = new Timer(waitTime,1);
countTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(){
currentLogo.addFrameScript ( currentLogo.totalFrames - 1 , function(){
if(stage.numChildren <= 1){
}) ;
function getOffDimensions(currentLogo:MovieClip){
var i3:int;
var tempArr:Array = new Array()
for (i3=0; i3 < greystoneLogos.length; i3++)
if (greystoneLogos[i3] !== currentLogo){
tempArr[i3]=greystoneLogos[i3].x +":"+ greystoneLogos[i3].y
return tempArr
function randomRange(max:Number, min:Number = 0):Number
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
There are also may be a handful of unused variables from multiple things I've been trying out.
The code that I posted, will make the movie clip appear at a random spot based on the last movie clip that came up. So let's say we have 3 movie clips (the user will be able to change how many of the clips get displayed) 1 appears at 0,0 the other at 400,400 and the last one appears at 10,10 because I have no way of saving the previous values to compare in the while loop.
I hope this clarifies it a tad more
Based on a function shown below, I've added this:
for (i3=0; i3 < greystoneLogos.length; i3++)
if (greystoneLogos[i3] !== currentLogo && greystoneLogos[i3] != null)
while(currentLogo.hitTestObject(greystoneLogos[i3]) == true){
xpoint = randomRange(this.stage.stageWidth - (currentLogo.width));
ypoint = randomRange(this.stage.stageHeight - (currentLogo.height));
i3 = 0
Which results in a rather bad loop as well as the logo's still overlap above each other
The quickest way I can think to solve this is to do a hit test (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/DisplayObject.html#hitTestObject()) on the new MovieClip and if it returns true, run the placement code again