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"Using declaration" not working in RADStudio 2010

I'm deriving a new class from the VCL TStream class:

// A stream based on a temporary file, deleted when the stream is closed

class TTempFileStream : public TStream
  using TStream::Seek;

   __int64 __fastcall Seek(const __int64 Offset, TSeekOrigin Origin)
    return 0; // for simplicity!

} ;

TStream declares the following two variants of Seek:-

virtual int __fastcall Seek(int Offset, System::Word Origin)/* overload */;
virtual __int64 __fastcall Seek(const __int64 Offset, TSeekOrigin Origin)/* overload */;

But I get the following W8022 warning when compiling my class:-

[BCC32 Warning]_utils.h(166): W8022 
'_fastcall TTempFileStream::Seek(const __int64,TSeekOrigin)' hides virtual function '_fastcall TStream::Seek(int,unsigned short)'

Surely the Using declaration should fix that?

To drag this question back on track, I'm aware of the way that the two versions of TStream::seek interrelate, and I'm just trying to get inherited Seek(int,int) method exposed by the derived class. Why isn't my using declaration doing that?


  • Roddy, your code is very much correct.

    The code works as expected (tested) when adding using TStream::Seek; otherwise as the warning states, will hide the base class method. (this part of C++ language, Remy have to disagree for the first time with you).

    The warning is a false positive, a very old and not yet correcred BUG in C++ Builder present at least from version 2006 to XE4.