The N-Queens Problem:
This problem states that given a chess board of size N by N, find the different permutations in which N queens can be placed on the board without any one threatening each other.
My question is:
What is the maximum value of N for which a program can calculate the answer in reasonable amount of time? Or what is the largest N we have seen so far?
Here is my program in CLPFD(Prolog):
generate([H|T],N) :-
H in 1..N ,
lenlist(L,N) :-
lenlist([_|T],P,N) :-
P1 is P+1,
queens(N,L) :-
notattack(X,Xs) :-
notattack(X,[Y|Ys],N) :-
X #\= Y,
X #\= Y - N,
X #\= Y + N,
N1 is N + 1,
safe([F|T]) :-
This program works just fine, but the the time it takes keeps on increasing with N. Here is a sample execution:
?- queens(4,L).
L = [2, 4, 1, 3] ;
L = [3, 1, 4, 2] ;
This means you place the 4 queens at Row 2 in Column1, Row 4 in Column 2, Row 1 in 3 and Row 3 in 4.(In a 4 By 4 chess board)
Now lets see how this program performs(Time taken in calculating the first permutation):
For N=4,5.....10 Computes within a second
For N=11-30 Takes between -1-3 seconds
For N=40..50 Still calculates within a minute
At N=60 It goes out of Global stack(Search space being enormous).
This was a past Homework problem. (The original problem was just to code N-Queens)
I am also interested in seeing alternate implementations in other languages(which performs better than my implementation) or If there is room for improvement in my algorithm/program
a short solution presented by raymond hettinger at pycon: easy ai in python
#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import permutations
n = 12
cols = range(n)
for vec in permutations(cols):
if (n == len(set(vec[i] + i for i in cols))
== len(set(vec[i] - i for i in cols))):
print vec
computing all permutations is not scalable, though (O(n!)