I am working on a project in Magento Enterprise Edition and need to use the reward points system in the site. I set up the reward points system in the admin panel and allowed customer with 260 reward points. But when I tried to do the checkout, purchasing product using reward point is not shown.
Normally I heard this will be coming under payment option while doing the checkout. But in my case this is not working. I have enabled the reward points and I think I have entered all the necessary settings. What might I be missing or what should I do to solve this problem?
Quick-answer: Set TWO Reward Exchange Rates: From points to money and from money to points
For very long time we tried to resolve this issue. We found that the problem was here:
if (!$helper->getHasRates() || !$helper->isEnabledOnFront()) {
return false;
and $helper->getHasRates() returns false, because:
$hasRates = $rate->fetch(
$groupId, $websiteId, Enterprise_Reward_Model_Reward_Rate::RATE_EXCHANGE_DIRECTION_TO_CURRENCY
)->getId() &&
I checking TWO params. Only people from ** could come up with it...