I was searching on the web but not able to find any example how to debug camel routes which are defined using XML DSL (Blueprint).
Any example/pointers would be great.
Regards, A.
You can find some details on the Camel website, about debugging routes.
Sidenote: I wrote a blog post about the Debugger SPI in Camel, for people interested a bit in the history: http://www.davsclaus.com/2010/10/paris-and-easier-camel-route-debugging.html
If you are looking for a visual tooling for debugging, then hawtio has this: http://hawt.io/, there is a video showing this a bit in action:
The hawtio tooling allows you to connect to a JVM container running Camel applications, eg sine you mention Blueprint you may use Apache Karaf / ServiceMix. You can then either run hawtio on your computer and remote connect to the container and remote debug the Camel routes from a web console. Or you can install hawtio in Karaf / ServiceMix directly and also use a web console to debug the routes.
Sidenote: Besides hawtio there is some Karaf shell commands which allows you to trace Camel routes at runtime. Though there is no debugger (yet). But there is JMX operations you can use to "debug" but its a bit cumbersome. Though the JMX API is what the hawtio tooling is using, meaning what hawtio can do, you can also do with JMX yourself, or create your own tooling etc.