I have integrated Solr 4 for e-commerce application. And offers a facet filters like flipkart on category pages. Filters works fine, however, the facets has min count set to 1, so facets with zero count are not returned by Solr.
Now, I want to display those with zero count like displayed here in this image.
However, just like in this image, Screen Size can be present in other category as well, so in this case instead of displaying only those options presents for this category it displays all options which are no applicable for the this current category.
So, it lists all the facets as zero even if they have nothing to do with this category. My problem is I want to display only those facets which are available if there no filters applied and then display them greyed out when they are no longer applicable.
Any clue how to do this?
One thing you can try is getting the facets with and without the filter within the same query.
Check Multi-Select_Faceting_and_LocalParams