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Error hyde with python-3.x

I followed ( and installed all requirements.txt using the command "hyde-s folder_name create-l starter "error occurs:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C: \ Python33 \ Scripts \", line 9, in <module>
     load_entry_point ('== 0.8.4 hyde', 'console_scripts', 'hyde') ()
   File "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \ hyde \", line 10, in main
     Engine (.) Run ()
   File "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \ hyde \", line 39, in run
     super (Engine, self). run (args)
   File "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \ command \", line 252, in run
     self.parse args = (sys.argv [1:])
   File "C: \ Python33 \ lib \ site-packages \ command \", line 242, in parse
     self.__parser__.parse_args return () # pylint: disable-msg = E1101
AttributeError: 'Engine' object has no attribute '__parser__'

I saw the argparse that was installed has a "parse_args () (" tried unsuccessfully to adapt more.

Before I had to do a few adjustments example "from UserDict import IterableUserDict" as in "python 3x" has (


  • I tested two Static Site Generator and i can say that Nikola and Pelican are the most stable for use with Python 3.3.2