In my config/routes.rb
I have the following
Myapp::Application.routes.draw do
# We ask that you don't use the :as option here, as Refinery relies on it being the default of "refinery"
mount Refinery::Core::Engine, :at => '/'
# You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
# just remember to delete public/index.html.
root :to => 'refinery/blog/posts#index'
# See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes"
I ran rake routes
in the terminal. Then committed and pushed. Then ran heroku run rake routes
but when I load the app, it still loads loads the home page as the root.
Put your route before Refinery's mount point because Refinery has a wildcard route so that it can handle 404s and basically be the backstop for your application. So, in general, mount Refinery after every other route.