I want to have a scroll bar in android showing each individual plant such that a user can press on one to select it, create a new Plant
object he can then move around the screen.
I'm running into trouble populating this list.
I have a HorizontalScrollView
bar = (HorizontalScrollView)findViewById(R.id.horizontalScrollView1);
The brunt of my code happens in
private LinearLayout loadBar(ArrayList<Plant> listOfPlants, HorizontalScrollView bar){
LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(getApplicationContext());
ImageView image= new ImageView(getApplicationContext());
ArrayList<View> images = new ArrayList<View>();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
image = listOfPlants.get(i).getPhoto();
return layout;
I want to add this linear layout to the scroll bar I'm creating but I don't see any way to do this. Or am I going about this the wrong way and is there a much simpler way to get what I want done?
You can take a ListView inside LinearLayout, that is inside horizontal scroll view as below:
<HorizontalScrollView ...........>
<LinearLayout ......>
<LinearLayout ......>
//List View Titles will be here
<ListView ........ android:layout_weight="1" />
Also, it is important to put layout_weight in the ListView. Hope it works for you. Also, you can check this customized horizontally scrollable listview tutorial.