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Schedule a blog post (not Blogger, not WordPress)

I have been searching online for a tutorial but I guess we can say that search engines are "polluted" with WordPress and Blogger.

Here is my problem:

I followed this tutorial and it went quite well, everything works as I wanted. But now I would like to have a function where the admin (that is writing a new blog entry) has the option to decide when is the blog entry going to be on-line (hh/dd/yy).

Does anyone know of a tutorial, demo, tips, whatever that can help?

I know I could use Blogger or WordPress, but I don't want to. This would have the additional purpose of learning some more PHP.


  • I looked at the "Build a Blog" articles. It seems to me that you do not need to change very much. Here is some kind of recipe / hint / suggestion :

    Part 1 - "create your database"

    Change the "whole script" to

    $sql = "CREATE TABLE php_blog (
      id int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      timestamp int(20) NOT NULL,
      title varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      entry longtext NOT NULL,
      published date, <--- this is the change
      PRIMARY KEY  (id)

    Use a tool like PHPMyadmin if you want to alter an existing table.

    Part 2 - "post to your db"

    Add this inside <form> :

    <input type="text" name="published" id="published" value="" />

    Part 2b - "post to your db"

    Inside if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { add

    $published = $_POST['published'];

    Additional, right after - if the user has not entered a publish-date, that must be in the form m/d/y :

    if ($published=='') $published = date("m/d/Y"); 

    Change the SQL :

    $sql = "INSERT INTO php_blog (timestamp,title,entry,published) VALUES ('$timestamp','$title','$entry','$published')";

    Part 3 - "display entries"

    Change the SQL

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM php_blog WHERE id='$id' and published<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP LIMIT 1";

    NOTE : Completely untested!

    This is only to point to a start / give a kind of recipe.

    The "Build a Blog" system is very, very simple, so I think its pretty much that. If you get it to work, you will need more coding regarding the next chapters, but I hope it could be a starting point. I like the idea of people trying to make their own tool themselves, and in the process learn how to do it. Much better.

    If you started with a blog system like WordPress, you would just meet another kind of problems - most likely even more frustrating. It is better to have control, rather than waste the time to correct other people's coding mistakes.