I've been playing around with the leap motion using Java and it was fine.. but then I am trying to use C++ instead, but I couldn't seem to make this to work. I am using Visual Studio 2012 and set the libraries and include directory properly. Despite, I always end up with this error:
1>Sample.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) protected: virtual __thiscall Leap::Interface::~Interface(void)" (__imp_??1Interface@Leap@@MAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual __thiscall Leap::FingerList::~FingerList(void)" (??1FingerList@Leap@@UAE@XZ)
This is just one of the errors, but I end up with 50(which means the LeapMotion is not recognizing any function, though the visualizer indeed shows data).
Can anybody help me with this?
I ran into the same issue. I set the libraries and include folder plus the input lib file but kept getting the errors (unresolved symbol) because the debug mode I had set. You have to choose between Win32 or x64 and use the specific library provided in the Leap SDK. That solved the problem. Although my machine is 64-bit, on Configuration Manager I have Debug Win32 because I am using Cinder as well, not only the Leap Motion device.