I have a SQL 2008 table containing one row for each computer with many columns of software titles:
Computer Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
PC1 Acrobat Word Excel
PC2 Word Access
PC3 Google
PC4 Word Excel SQL2008 Maximizer
I would like to combine it in to two columns like this:
Computer Software
PC1 Acrobat
PC1 Word
PC1 Excel
PC2 Word
PC2 Access
PC3 Google
PC4 Word
PC4 Excel
PC4 SQL2008
PC4 Maximizer
It's not an aggregate of the columns, so does unpivot or transpose work?
Each row has from 1 to 32 columns of data. There are hundreds of different values for the software names.
You can unpivot the data a few different ways including the UNPIVOT function or a CROSS APPLY to convert the multiple columns into rows.
select computer, software
from yourtable
for col in ([Col1], [Col2], [Col3], [Col4])
) un;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
select t.computer, c.software
from yourtable t
cross apply
select col1 union all
select col2 union all
select col3 union all
select col4
) c (software)
where c.software is not null;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo. You could also use CROSS APPLY with VALUES depending on your version of SQL Server:
select t.computer, c.software
from yourtable t
cross apply
(col1), (col2),
(col3), (col4)
) c (software)
where c.software is not null;