I have the following query:
101 AS TeacherID
FROM dbo.Students s
FOR XML PATH('Student'), ROOT('Students')
which generates output:
I want to break each group into its own rows (into a single XMLFormat column):
AdministratorID AdministratorName XMLFormat
125 Bertha <Student><TeacherID>101</TeacherID><ID>14</ID><First>Mark</First><Last>Smith</Last></Student>
125 Bertha <Student><TeacherID>101</TeacherID><ID>15</ID><First>Josephina</First><Last>Hewitt</Last></Student>
I tried using the Table and Column Alias method:
SELECT 125 AS AdministratorID,
'Bertha' AS AdministratorName,
t.c AS XMLFormat
101 AS TeacherID
FROM dbo.Students s
FOR XML PATH('Student'), ROOT('Students')
) t(c)
but this query generates a single row of data, with the entire XML in the single XMLFormat field.
I thought I may need to use the .nodes() method, but when I add .nodes('/Students/Student') to the t(c) alias, I get 'Incorrect syntax near '.'.
I want to avoid putting the data into an XML variable before using the .nodes() method, because the text could be very long.
125 as AdministratorID,
'Bertha' as AdministratorName,
101 as TeacherID, s.ID, s.First, s.Last
for xml path('Student'), type
) as XMLFormat
from dbo.Students s