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Print a linked list backwards in constant space and linear time using recursion

It seems to me like it should be possible to print a circular linked list backwards in constant space and linear time using recursion and tail-call-optimization. However, I am having difficulty due to trying to print the current element after making the recursive call. By inspecting the disassembly, I see that the function is being called and not jumped to. If I change it to print forwards instead of backwards, the function call is properly eliminated.

I have seen this related question, however I am specifically interested in solving it using recursion and TCO.

The code I am using:

#include <stdio.h>

struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *next;

void bar(struct node *elem, struct node *sentinel)
    if (elem->next == sentinel) {
        printf("%d\n", elem->data);
    bar(elem->next, sentinel), printf("%d\n", elem->data);

int main(void)
    struct node e1, e2; = 1; = 2; = &e2; = &e1;
    bar(&e1, &e1);
    return 0;

and compiling with

    $ g++ -g -O3 -Wa,-alh test.cpp -o test.o

update: solved using Joni's answer with slight modifications for a circular list

void bar(struct node *curr, struct node *prev, struct node *sentinel,
    int pass)
    if (pass == 1) printf("%d\n", curr->data);
    if (pass > 1) return;
    if ((pass == 1) && (curr == sentinel))

    /* reverse current node */
    struct node *next = curr->next;
    curr->next = prev;

    if (next != sentinel) {
        /* tail call with current pass */
        bar(next, curr, sentinel, pass);
    } else if ((pass == 1) && (next == sentinel)) {
        /* make sure to print the last element */
        bar(next, curr, sentinel, pass);
    } else {
        /* end of list reached, go over list in reverse */
        bar(curr, prev, sentinel, pass+1);


  • To benefit from tail-call optimization you have to reorganize the code. Here's one way to do it:

    void bar(struct node *curr, struct node *prev, int pass)
        if (pass == 1) printf("%d\n", curr->data);
        if (pass > 1) return;
        /* reverse current node */
        struct node *next = curr->next;
        curr->next = prev;
        if (next) {
            /* tail call with current pass */
            bar(next, curr, pass);
        } else {
            /* end of list reached, go over list in reverse */
            bar(curr, NULL, pass+1);

    This function assumes that the end of the list is signaled by NULL. The list is traversed in two passes: first to reverse it in-place, second to print the elements and reverse it again. And, as far as I can tell, gcc -O3 does a tail-call optimization so the algorithm runs in constant space.

    To call this function use:

    bar(&e1, NULL, 0);