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Java add/remove row to JTable?

I am trying to figure out how to add and remove rows from a JTabel. I want to remove rows based on the first column which is a unique ID.

I am currently creating my table like this:

       String[] colName = new String[] {
           "ID#", "Country", "Name", "Page titel", "Page URL", "Time"
       Object[][] products = new Object[][] {
               "867954", "USA", "Todd", "Start", "", "00:04:13"
           }, {
               "522532", "USA", "Bob", "Start", "", "00:04:29"
           }, {
               "4213532", "USA", "Bill", "Start", "", "00:04:25"
           }, {
               "5135132", "USA", "Mary", "Start", "", "00:06:23"

       table = new JTable(products, colName);

How could i add a new row and delete the row with ID # 867954 ?


  • You can do it if you use DefaultTableModel:

    DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(products, colName);
    table = new JTable(dtm);

    Now you can add and remove rows:

    dtm.removeRow(0); //remove first row
    dtm.addRow(new Object[]{...});//add row

    If you want to delete a row based on the ID, you can search for row with that ID and remove it then:

    String searchedId = "867954";//ID of the product to remove from the table
    int row = -1;//index of row or -1 if not found
    //search for the row based on the ID in the first column
    for(int i=0;i<dtm.getRowCount();++i)
        if(dtm.getValueAt(i, 0).equals(searchedId))
            row = i;
    if(row != -1)
        dtm.removeRow(row);//remove row
        ...//not found