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How can I read a CLongBinary field from my database and write it into a CFile object?

im using a CRecordset to get data from my SQL Server. One table stores a binary file (pdf, odt, ...). My VisualStudio maps the columns to a CLongBinary field.

How can I read and open the file from the CLongBinary field?

im using some ancient version 4.2 of MFC, VisualStudio 6.0


  • Do something like this. This will just give you an idea. I haven't tested the code.

    CLongBinary myfield ;
    ... retrive myfield from database here
    BYTE *dataptr = (BYTE*)GlobalLock(myfield.m_hData) ;
    // now dataptr points to your raw data, and myfield.m_dwDataLength is the length of that data
    CString tempname = ... create temporary filename somewhere
    CFile myfile ;
    myfile.Open(tempfilename, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite);
    myfile.Write(dataptr, myfield.m_dwDataLength) ,
    myfile.Close() ;
    GlobalUnlock(myfield.m_hData) ;
    ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), tempfilename, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW) ;