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Open or save the excel file attachment from the browser using ajax request in Ext.js

I am generating the excel file in server side and writing it to the outpuststream with the following response headers.


In my client side : An ajax call to the servlet as shown :

            url: 'GenerateReport',
            method: 'GET',
            params: {
                'start_date': sd.getValue(),

Browser shows following Response Headers : enter image description here

My Issue : The Open and Save dialog prompt is not opening.What may be the problem.Please help me resolve this.Any help is appreciated.Thanks.


  • Thanks @liya. I have resolved it by using iframe instead of ajax call.Its getting downloaded directly.Here it is :

    Ext.core.DomHelper.append(document.body, {
                tag : 'iframe',
                id : 'downloadIframe',
                frameBorder : 0,
                width : 0,
                height : 0,
                css : 'display:none;visibility:hidden;height:0px;',
                src : 'GenerateReport'

    But Is their anyway,to open a dialog box before downloading,to prompt for 'OPEN' or 'SAVE' the file instead of saving it directly which I am doing.