I need to build up a vector of non-linear equations to be used in fsolve
to solve it. But I should make each element of the vector in each loop iteration. How can I make up such a vector? In fact, I can not use cell array. How can I convert a cell array like {@(x) x(1)+x(2)^2; @(x) x(1)-2*(x(2))}
into an array like @(x) [ x(1)+x(2)^2 ; x(1)-2*(x(2))]
? Because I want to use fsolve
to solve the system of non-linear equations.
Use func2str
to get the function definitions in string and use str2func
to get the desired function, if A
is the cell array containing the function handles:
B = strcat(regexprep(cellfun(@func2str, A, 'uni', 0), '^@\(x\)', ''), ';');
F = str2func(strcat('@(x) [', B{:}, ']'));
Now F
contains the desired function handle.