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Paris/Idiorm: check if database is empty?

I searched for similar questions but all I got is "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS".

That's not what I want at all! I only want to check whether the 5 needed tables exist or not, creating them is an entirely different thing.

Meaning I just want the "IF NOT EXISTS" part, without the "CREATE TABLE". Is there anyway to do it with Idiorm?

P/S: if possible, please write the entire code line (for example ORM::raw_execute('query') or something). I have almost no experience working with database queries :( )


  • After spending hours into this, the problem came to: "how do I run execute a sql query in paris/idiorm and get the query result?"

    Ididorm's raw_execute() doesn't return the query result but instead return true if the query was executed successfully and false otherwise.

    In the end, I solved the problem with:

    ORM::for_table('')->raw_query("SQL query to check for existence of the table")->find_one();

    Instead of giving a table name as parameter for for_table(), I gave it an empty string then call a raw_query(), which is equivalent to just calling a raw query directly. It worked in my case. I also had to reset Idiorm's db connection and clear the cache for it to work when switching between different dbs.