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where to put confirm pop up for mootools validation

where can i put the confirm popup for the mootools validation tool

confirm script:

if (confirm('Have you reviewed the information?')) { }

mootools script:

<script type="text/javascript">

    window.addEvent('domready', function(){

        // The elements used.
        var myForm ='leadForm'),
            myResult ='myResult');

        // Labels over the inputs.
        myForm.getElements('[type=text], textarea, select' ).each(function(el){
            new OverText(el);

        // Validation.
        new Form.Validator.Inline(myForm);

        // Ajax (integrates with the validator).
        new Form.Request(leadForm, myResult, {
            requestOptions: {
                'spinnerTarget': myForm
            extraData: { // This is just to make this example work.
                'html': 'Form sent.'


where can i put the confirmation so that before sending the form a popup will alert the user for a yes an no answer?


  • Try this:

    $('myForm').addEvent('submit', function (event) {
        if (confirm('Have you reviewed the information?')) {            
            //code if true
        }else{ return false;}

    This will add a event listener so that when form is submitting he will call the function inside it.