I am trying to compare call rates between two telephone providers. I have two tables, as follows:
CREATE TABLE 18185_rates (
calldate DATE,
calltime TIME,
calledno VARCHAR(20),
duration INTEGER(8),
callcost FLOAT(5 , 3 )
CREATE TABLE int_rates (
dialcode VARCHAR(20),
description VARCHAR(20),
callcost FLOAT(5 , 3 )
The 18185_rates contains call data records from a phone system, some example values as follows:
The table int_rates contains tariff data for calls from another provider in the following format:
1242357,Bahamas Mobile,0.251
1242359,Bahamas Mobile,0.251
I am trying to run a comparison, so that I can see how much the calls in 18185_rates would have cost with the other provider. I can't work out how to join the two tables based on the variable length dialling code in int_rates.
After some help from @Gordon Linoff below, I've come up with the following code:
(SELECT permin
FROM int_rates ir1
WHERE r.calledno LIKE CONCAT(ir1.dialcode, '%')
ORDER BY dialcode DESC
LIMIT 1) AS newcostpermin
18185_rates r;
I am assuming that you want to match each phone number to the cost that has the longest prefix. Here is an approach:
select ir.*,
(select callcost
from int_rates ir
where r.calledno like concat(ir.dialcode, '%')
order by length(ir.dialcode) desc
limit 1
) as TheirCost
from 18185_rates r;
This is using a correlated subquery to find the longest dialcode that matches the beginning of the call. This will be NULL
if nothing matches. Also, this will not be efficient and cannot use indexes.
There are different ways to approach this. The simplest is just to duplicate the subquery:
select ir.*,
(select callcost
from int_rates ir
where r.calledno like concat(ir.dialcode, '%')
order by length(ir.dialcode) desc
limit 1
) as TheirCost,
(select description
from int_rates ir
where r.calledno like concat(ir.dialcode, '%')
order by length(ir.dialcode) desc
limit 1
) as TheirDescription
from 18185_rates r;
In practice, I would pull a primary key out in the first subquery and then join back to the table, to get whatever fields I want from the that table. However, you don't specify the table layout and if the first query has reasonable performance, then doing it twice should be ok too.