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Long running workflow in .NET 4.0 problem adding required references

I am attempting to complete the following "how-to" in order to try and understand how persistence works in .NET 4.0 Workflows.

MSDN - How to: Create and Run a Long Running Workflow

Unfortunately, there seems to be an error in the documentation or I have a problem with my setup, as I am unable to add references to the following components:

  • System.WorkflowServiceModel
  • System.WorkflowService

These components are specified in step (1) of the section "To enable persistence in a workflow application".

I tried researching this problem but didn't find anything very useful. It seems that I'm not the only person who has had problems:

Microsoft Connect - VS2010 Missing Assembly System.WorkflowServiceModel

A user here suggests that "the problem was that the client profile was used" but I don't really understand what this means.

I have added my question to that page and will update here if an answer is forthcoming from Microsoft.


Following Chris' comments, I found a better link which I put in a comment. I think the accepted approach on Stack Overflow is to update the initial question?

MSDN - Configuring the SQL Workflow Instance Store


  • This appears to be a bug in the documentation, not a problem with your setup. Actually, the whole article seems to contain completely outdated information - almost none of the content seems to be related to WF Beta 2. I would suggest looking up another site for now.